Well plans really didn't go how I wanted to, but I am not complaining. Instead of playing Lineage 2 all night, I ended up just watching the training videos I got for Maya 5. I really, really suggest if you want to learn any sort of 3d modelling tool, you check out
www.3dbuzz.com. The VTMs they offer there are not only informative, but really easy to follow. I can confidently say my grasp of 3d modelling (of which I have been tinkering with for over a year) doubled in understanding in 1 freaking night thanks to them.
I have the day off for sure today...I was supposed to go take my nephew to go see a movie, but my sister just emailed me to inform me that they had other plans this evening. Not bummed at all...can work some more with Maya and maybe get some Lineage 2 in today.
I also found out Arch Enemy is coming to town, but I don't really care for the rest of the lineup, I may go just to see them (seeing as how I missed them opening for Slayer thanks to my job).
Read some interview with Kevin Sheilds (one of my gods), its nice to see him starting to return to our planet. Maybe someday we can hear the followup to Loveless......