The Libellus Legacy: 2.2

May 01, 2008 15:07

I am participating in the Founders Challenge at legacy_writers.
The winning sim was created by simrenity.


LAST TIME on the Libellus Legacy, Lilith found out there are some disadvantages to being a vampire. Namely the certain urges which caused her to turn her friend Jan into a vampire. The Count hung around a lot and bit the unsuspecting Gypsy who walked by, Lilith and Grayson took care of their baby Pandora, who turned into a toddler. Lilith became pregnant again and gave birth to twins.

Taking care of twins was tough work. It seemed like they did everything together! They were hungry at the same time...

... and in reverse, they seemed to always need their diapers changed at the same time!

And having a toddler running around our feet certainly didn't help Grayson and I keep control. Those first few weeks were a busy, busy time for us.

Luckily, we still managed to have some time for ourselves. We mainly spent it either cuddling or sleeping. Trust me, we'd decided that three kids was enough!

During the days when I went off to work, Grayson would mind the children, studying up on medical procedures and the like while the children napped in the nursery.

I was trying my best to fit in at work...

But it seemed my sense of fairness didn't always mesh with the career I'd chosen.

It was hard, I'll admit it. And it hurt, going out to work in the day. But eventually all my efforts paid off and almost a year after the twins were born, I was promoted again.

A month or so later, while Grayson was working, I brought a friend home from work. Her name was Rebecca, and she was one of the few other woman I'd seen around my job. Later that night, after I'd put the children to sleep, we were sitting on the couch discussing the effects of having children on getting promotions at work (Rebecca had two little girls, one 9 and one 11). Suddenly, I heard a noise at the door...

And Count Derrick just walked right into my home as if he lived there!

"Derrick!" I shouted, as Rebecca looked on in shock. "What are you doing just walking into my home! Get out of here!"

The Count's voice was as silky and elegant as always. He brushed me aside with a smooth, "Don't be so rude, Lilith," and moved past me to where Rebecca stood, frozen with surprise.

"Why don't you introduce me to your friend, here?" The Count moved up to Rebecca, smiling secretively as he asked, "What's your name, darling?"

"R-rebecca. My name is Rebecca." Rebecca stammered her reply, but I could feel her growing more calm, drawn in by the Count's mystical air.

"Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman." The Count raised his hand, drawing it delicately down Rebecca's cheek. "How would you like to be beautiful forever, Rebecca?"

And again, before I could even raise a hand to stop him, The Count captured her under his spell and turned her.

It took only a moment, and then my coworker Rebecca, married and a mother of two little girls, was a vampire.

"You bastard! What have you done!" Barely realising my strength, I grabbed Count Derrick and spun him around, slapping him as hard as I could across the face. "She has a husband and children! You can't go around just biting people, Derrick!"

Derrick only hissed at me, reaching out to grab Rebecca as he sauntered by. "But she doesn't want that life anymore, do you Rebecca?"

Before my stunned eyes, Rebecca gave him a sultry smile, her arms wrapping around his neck as he pulled her into a kiss. "I have no other life, my Count. I am yours."

Furious, stunned and incredibly confused, I banished them from my house. As bats, they flew off into the night.

When Grayson came home that night, I practically threw myself at him in an attempt to quell the thoughts that were churning in my mind. In the next few weeks I occupied myself with my husband and my children, and soon I was capable of going almost an entire night without thinking of the Count or Rebecca.

Unfortunately, my peace wasn't to last long. Just 3 months after I'd last seen Rebecca and the Count, the phone rang. It was, of all people, Jan Tellerman.

"Jan!" I didn't even try to hide my shock. "What- How are you? Where are you? Why are you calling?"

Jan's voice sounded different; less like the happy bubbly person she'd been before, and more like the silky, cold person that I feared she'd become. "I wanted to thank you Lilith. For giving me new life. Literally." She laughed, a deep and throaty laugh. "I was thinking I could stop by and thank you in person sometime soon."

"No, Jan- I mean, there's no reason for you too-" But she was gone.

When Jan didn't show up that same night, I found other things to distract me. Just a few days later and it was the twins birthday at last.

They were growing up so fast. As I held Lestat in my arms, I couldn't help but notice how he had my nose, or how much his eyes reminded me of his father.

And as I looked at my little Maharet, content in her father's arms, I smiled to see that she had instead inherited her father's nose. In fact, she looked so much like him, except for her long and shiny black hair.

The twins weren't the only ones growing up. My little Pandora was sprouting up fast, and soon it was time for her to start school.

In preparation, I started reading to her every night. She drank up the stories as fast as I could read them to her; reveling in tales of knights and princesses and faeries.

One night, just a few months later, Grayson and I were enjoying a rare bit of quiet time, snuggling and kissing on our couch.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Grayson insisted I stay seated as he hurried around the couch to open the door. I wish I had stopped him, but I had no way of knowing at the time who would be behind that door.

"Hello, Grayson."

The woman at the door was barely recognizable to my confused husband. "I'm sorry... do I know you?"

"Shame shame, Grayson. Don't you recognize your old friend? The woman who toasted you at your wedding?"

"J-Jan? What happened to you?!?" I flew up out of my seat, torn between running to the door and pushing Jan out, and frozen in place by the thought of what my husband might say next.

"Lilith!" I cringed at the shock in my husband's voice. "What have you done?!?"

As Jan looked on with a pleased smile, I hurried to my husbands side. "I should have told you when it happened, Grayson, but I was so frightened and I didn't know what to do-"

"Please, Grayson. Please forgive me! I never met to lie to you, I was just so afraid-"

"Shh, Lilith." Grayson shook his head, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to the table. "Sit down, Lilith. I can't forgive you until I know what you did!"

And so I told him everything. Well, about Jan that is. I told him what the Count had said about urges, and how I'd tried to resist them, but that one night I just couldn't help myself. I swore to him that I hadn't turned anyone since, that I would try to never do it again.

"Is that everything, Lilith?" Their was a note of pleading in my husband's voice, and I hated myself for lying to him. "Please, tell me the truth."

I hesitated. Part of me knew I should tell him about The Count, and the Gypsy and Rebecca. But in the end, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"That's it, Grayson. I swear to you, I've told you everything."

"Then I forgive you, Lilith. I love you."

He pulled me up out of my seat and wrapped me up in a hug. As I watched, Grayson unaware, Jan shook her finger at me in a 'shame on you' sort of gesture, smirked, and walked right out of the house. I was so relieved that Grayson still loved me that I barely gave Jan another thought.

In the months that followed, I turned my attention back to my children and my career. It turned out that Pandora was a little ball of energy, just like I'd been as a child. She ran everywhere!

Whether it was just to take out the trash-

-Or whether she was bounding joyfully towards the school bus.

Everyday before I went to work, I lathered myself with sunblock and ran out to the car.

Not having my skin burnt seemed to increase my mood exponentially. In turn, my job performance took a turn for the better, and soon I'd been promoted yet again.

When I wasn't working, I took care of the twins, or helped Pandora with her homework. Unlike most children, she seemed to enjoy it.

Well, most of the time. Math wasn't exactly her favorite subject and she often complained when it came time to do that homework. But I helped her through, and the promise of new books to be read when she was done was always a motivation.

My little Pandora loved to read just as much as she always had. Now that she could read on her own, it seemed as though I was buying her new books every week!

My little daughter was growing up, and I felt like we were becoming closer and closer every day.

And of course, I spent as much time as I could with the twins as well. Teaching them to walk was twice as hard as it was with Pandora, but it was equally twice as fun.

I was working nights now. Luckily, the carpool came at night when the children were asleep and I didn't have to try sneaking out past them. What parent wants their child to know that they steal things for a living?

All in all, I thought my life was going well. Little did I know what was coming ahead...


This update was a bit short, I know. I haven't been playing much lately, but I needed to get this posted so I wouldn't get disqualified.

I think the children all got a good mix of their parent's genetics. Pandora has her mom's nose and lips and hair, but her dad's eye color and shape. Lestat also has him mom's nose, skin and hair, but I think he may have his dad's lips and he also had his dad's eye color and shape. Maharet looks a lot like her father, with his skin, noses, eyes and lips. She has her Mom's hair though. I think they're all going to turn out beautiful and I have NO IDEA how I'm going to choose an heir.

Count Derrick really does stop by EVERY NIGHT and sneak inside. He's starting to drive me nuts, but I figured I might as well work him into the story.

And I think that's it. I've updated the FAMILY TREE and there should be a new update soon. Probably the Flora's first, though.

libellus legacy: generation one, libellus legacy: generation two, libellus legacy

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