Oct 21, 2005 09:44
Imagine that you purchased a black and white roll of film from a store. Then imagine yourself using that film to take various pictures on your trip to Italy because you want it to have a rustic and noir quality. Imagine yourself taken it a one-hour photo devloper. Upon your returning, you're told that the film was blank. You're told the camera must not of loaded the film properly. But what you don't know is that everything was fine with the film, it was the photo person's fault. They loaded a wrong type of film into the machine and it was exposed. And instead of telling you the truth, you are told it was your fault. You're bewildered but you trust the photo person because they know what they are talking about.
Yeah, I'm the photo guy in that story. I feel extremely bad ,but it intrigues me as well. I destroyed her memories. A very interesting feeling. I implore any of you to have the same feeling someday.
Other news at my work is that they hired a gay guy in my department. He and I usually close together and it gets rather akward. It gets especially weird when he hits on me and tells me if i was gay he would date me. I usually let these moments roll off me, but he is a very flamboyant man. I'm thinking about quitting not because of the gay man but for other various reasons. If you have any job knowings of, please inform me.