Back from that debauchery of a state listed under Florida. Never have i seen such a valley of land polluted with such filth that are old people. For every 1 young, youthful diciple there were 15 old hasing people. Oh well. Other than that the trip was a success. All transactions were completed with minimal discrepancies. I really hored it down there with the cameratron however. So you benefit from this senseless use of 21stth century divine techonology. Pictures will have captions and i will try to win over you teatering enemy-friend saplings.
Although i am very ghostly white looking in the pictures i am in, the pictures were taken very near the beginging of the trip. So I could not tan my ripe body. I assure you that i am tanned now.
Ive seen a girls livejournal before, i'm not sure whoose, but she took a picture of herself in the mirror or some raincoat like that. this picture reminded me of that.
There was much 2nd (although i really think there were my 3rd cousins, they insisted that they were 2nd) cousin festivities.
Heres a nice one of yours truely whoring it up with my own self indulgence (and ok yes, i wear that shirt quite a bit)
Here is one of my 2nd cousins, human factions called her stephanie. I just called her Walter.
A bieng moving extrodinarly fast entered our room of fun, i was left unphased.
The other cousin was called Julie. That name is a combination of Jew and Lee. However, i dont think her ethnicity was Jewish and Japanese. Only Mike B can be that.
One last one of the birgade. Add one sister of mine, and one weird idea and you get .......
Now to get to the meat and bones. My earth family and i stayed at some sort of portable housing structure called a 'mobile home'. It was alright except....
That is wear a slept, and the bed is the whole room. bed = room. It was fun.
I ordered some pizza one day i told the man i want exactly 5 and a half olives spread around the pizaa, 9 mushrooms, and 12 onions grilled roasted under a charcoal flame. I wanted them all to form a pentagonal figure. Heres what he gave me.
I decided to take a bike ride after the pizza incident. I love street names named after norse gods.
Only one thing i love more than norse gods... is......
Street names named after Harry Potter charecters.
1 last picture for this sexcipade. Next week i'll tackle the origin of those live strong bracalets and why Moses is angered by them.