Jul 29, 2009 18:45
It's been an interesting week for rampant consumerism, here @ Shoe Central:
--I got a new cell phone! *cuddles phone*. It's a Blackberry Pearl flip (I have this thing about exposed keyboards; given the chaos that is my purse, there's a real chance of accidentally dialling Uzbekistan in there). The back part is pink, since that was the only colour they had, but the flip is black, so my self-respect is OK.
Almost as much fun as discovering how far cell technology has advanced in three years - and gosh, hasn't it been a lot - has been watching Shoemom discover the same thing. Took her three full days to get past the welcome screen. First thing she found after that was: the camera. Somehow it's never the things you think they'll be excited about, is it?
"Hey, over here! Cheeeeeese!" [clik!] "Oh, shoot, hit the button too soon."
"MOM! This is - is that my butt?!"
"...yeah, sorry. Where did you say the delete button was again?"
--I got new SQUARE-RIMMED glasses! *loves glasses* They are PURPLE! There is PERSONALITY! There is even a discreet bit of SPARKLY! I am just so incredibly thrilled to have finally joined the new facial fashion millennium! Can you tell?!
In other face-related news: MAC cosmetics. Demo in our office atrium. VERY flattering salespeople. Thus I am now staring across the dresser at a Look in a Box; everything I need to create 'Sweet Tease' on this heretofore totally naked mug. Wondering how on earth I'm going to learn to apply mascara well enough to justify $80. Currently, I am tossing around ideas involving something I once read about 19th-century women and permanent cosmetic tattoos.
--The itteh bitteh kitteh comes home on Saturday night. As alert readers may recall, Kitteh was going to be called Jemima, but the mental images re: offensively anachronistic pancake pitchwomen proved finally too weird. So kitteh is now, once and forever: Jasmine. *squeezes Jasmine and calls her...oh, never mind*
Anyway, this is going under Consumerism, Rampant, because frankly the pet industry - as represented on the Net at least - is really harshing my mellow here. All I wanted was some quick advice on settling a kitten in a new home, and suddenly it's like I'm Madonna and they're the entire Malawian government. I can understand protective outrage to an extent, but the blanket assumption that every wannabe pet owner is an irresponsible twit who's never before taken care of another living creature...yeah, a bit much.
So anyway. The garbage strike is (almost) over - it would be over now, except Shoemom wisely restrained me from going down to City Hall upon notice of delay and holding the union leaders' heads in a used litter tray until they sobbed for mercy - the weather is heating up, the new stuff is new...here it is August, and summer's just starting.
new kitteh!,