....Specifically, I am the proud recipient of a 'You Made a Difference' plaque for having completed the most 'tasks' - inventory records created/edited, basically - in the month of October. (Never mind that I pretty much only got it because the actual fastest guy was off for the last two weeks on paternity leave. I was running him really close before that, believe you me.)
The point to focus on here is that the honour came with a $50 gift card. This, as you might expect, tickled me no end, especially since no-one had any idea the prize was even being awarded in the first place. It was like the universe just suddenly went, "Dull, grey Wednesday? No problem! Here, have some free money!"
Catching the spirit of the thing, I immediately went out and blew it all on
one DKNYC silk tunic tank. (No, not from Macy's. I work at
the Hudson's Bay Company head offices here in Canada, and just occasionally we take off our parkas indoors.)
I loves me my tank, because it is kingfisher blue and twilight, and it makes my eyes look silver. It makes me look overall like the kind of person who has occasion to wear such stuff on a regular basis. Just admiring myself in the bathroom mirror @ Shoe Central I am inspired to tackle any remaining obstacle to getting it outdoors. After all, how hard can working up a social life be, anyway?