Nov 18, 2008 15:49
I have put myself on strict notice: no writing anything past...well, yesterday, actually...unless it's a)to do with my formal PopMatters column proposal or b)the start/continuation of a novel.
(In the meantime, this has led to some interesting conversations with the family members who've been asked to help refine the column idea: "Why'd'you want to write a column? [Shoemom, inevitably chiming in: "Yeah, it's not like they'd be paying you!"] You should write a novel, like we've always wanted you to!" Me: "Right, any ideas in that direction, then?" "Sure...uh...lemme get back to you!")
So I went with procrastination plan B: Switching up the LJ colour scheme. There's only so long I can stare at unrelieved lavender, no matter how lovely the shade, without getting antsy. Was thinking about a really radical change - black with yellow accents, say - but chickened out at the last minute. Haven't done anything to justify that level of hey-looky-me just yet.
...[sigh]. So, back to staring rather helplessly at Word. Anybody have any tips for overcoming Fear of a Blank Page, they'd be much appreciated.