These are in no order... it's just really random...
Me and Jade... Spring Hill
Ashley Me Andrea Kelly Jaime Cc Shelby...... Before farewell at Andrea's
Me and my sister... eating whipped cream
Ailene.... she's so pretty
Everyone at farewell...
Victor...... booty dancing!
Me and Emma...
Andrea Kelly Me and Jaime... back at Shelby's after farewell
Holly Shelby Cc Ashley and Katie..... Pinery
Ryan and Me.... Last day of school
Stephen Me and Jake.... Last day of school
Mott Branden Teno Alyssa Shelby (i think that was her name??) Austen and Cc.... Good Charlette (Reliant K) concert
Vanessa Bootan Lauren K. and Jaime....
Shelby Me and Cc....
Cc and Me...
Me Cc and Shelby.... Teno's there too she just got a little cut off.... sorry Teno
Me and Courtney with our babies...
Marissa and Shelby... they just woke up at Vanessa VanC's house
Jade and KTO just woke up... hmm KTO looks a little mad...
Mark Teno and Brian.... Shelby's party thing
Teno and Cc again...
Teno Alyssa and CC...
Shelby Vanessa Jaime Jenna Lauren and Emma.... Vanessa's house
Shelby.. Tigers game for student council.....
Alyssa Shelby Me Kelly.... Vanessa's i think?
Cc and Me....
Shelby.... with down syndrome
Austen and Emma
Emma Kelly and Me
Party at Shelby's
Shelby... Last day of School
Tigers game
More Tigers game
Andrea and Me
Ashley Cc Kelly and Shelby at Vanessa's
Shelby and Alyssa
Andrea and Angel.... aww cute they are such a photogenic couple
Michelle Shelby Kayla... Vanessa's basement
Vanessa VanC.... (Jade... we finally got a picture!!)
Shelby.... Anne Frank is her favorite book
Andrea and Me.... Tigers game
Jenna Mary Bootan Lauren K Vanessa Emma and Victor.... Farewell
Tigers game
Thats not all there will be more soon...