Apr 09, 2009 22:48
Well, my super virus proof linux has failed me, as I got a virus of not the operating system, but the modem itself. Basically some genius/arsehole has created a worm that attacks the Netcomm NB5 and fubars it royally. Partially my own fault, as most of the ones affected are those with weak usernames/passwords (according to the internet) and who would have though my admin/admin combo would ever have been compromised? Seriously. I have a good password on my wireless, never even crossed my mind that the modem itself would be at risk.
So I need to try updating the firmware, but that might not work. I might get to spend next Sunday enjoying the swap meet.
So how, I hear you ask, am I online right now? Well I went through my boxes of old crap and managed to track down and dust off ye olde dailup modem. I'm rocking the internet at a max of 56k, with the added bonus of tying up the phone line while I do. Took me like 20 minutes to figure out how to dial the connection through Mandriva, and I'm scared to disconnect cause I may not be able to do it again...
While Kristi and I both have job interview for the winter, at Buller, Hotham, Falls and Threadbo (she also has Perisher) neither of us have managed to find an actual job for now. So maybe next month we are going to run off to Tasmania, and go fruit picking. There's a raspberry packing job that sounds promising! Beats sitting around here drinking beer all day.
Before that, we are going camping for easter. As we started calling campsites 1 day before the busiest holiday of the year (we are soooo organised!) every campground in Victoria is well full. Though at the Grampians, they have bush camping, and the guy assured me that there is enough bush for everyone, and we can just turn up and they'll tell us where we can go. We're looking forward to digging our own toilet. So far we've managed to see koalas, an echidna and a snake on our adventures, maybe now we'll finally see some kangaroos. I think chances are high for wombats too.
I now need to download my new modem firmware. It'll probably take all night, so I'd better get it started now.