Jul 01, 2008 19:50
howdy ya'll......again. life has been quite a journey or disaster depending on how you look at it. at least i still have my sense of humor.
i started laying off of LJ cause somehow my parents (mom & stepdad)found it and started bugging me DAILY about posting. i realize that they were excited about finding a new way to see what is going on in my life, but it got REAL annoying REAL quick. this turned out to be bad. leave it to me to have something like this yet be so private at the same time. i wasnt posting often to begin with, and what i was posting was only little bits and pieces. then i went friends only, then i got bored with LJ and drifted off.
lots of things have happened, but i have a crappy memory. the highlights are: i changed jobs at the casino in october 2006, i quit smoking early in 2007, janine moved(snuck out without paying 2 months rent or bills) and told everyone tremendous lies and left a hella mess, i broke up with kevin and started smoking again in august 2007. my job got absorbed into my old department at work, and finally i quit smoking again in april of this year.
there have been little things here and there like my computer deleting all of my music last year shortly after i quit smoking. i bought a second bird. wait did any of you know i had the first bird? anyway, i have two cockatiels now. buddy bird (the female) and little bird ( the male) cute birds. i will have to get beth to come over and take some pics of them.
i went on a search to find some people from my past. im good at disappearing, let that explain the first person found.....i found my dad, he is doing ok, his health could be better but he is still fuctioning. i found coby whom i missed tremendously. she was more difficult with the whole name change thing. i found my ex, john, whom i drifted away from even though we loved each other so much. unfortunately i hunted him down a month too late...he had passed away the month before. i found corey....then i slid back away from corey, she is still way too high maintainence. i found and slipped back away from a few other people as well.
the issues with kevin have been numerous and all consuming. the man has basically ruined my life and finances. i hate him for doing it, and i hate myself for allowing him to do it. i spent so many years making excuses for him and turning a blind eye to so much stuff that he did. him and i split when he decided that a good way to take out his frustrations was to use me as his personally punching bag. it happened once and it changed everything. somethings quickly, somethings slowly. what it has come down to is that he is a terrible loser and user. he wont pay bills, there is nothing i can do to make him and i cant throw him out, ive tried. so the way i am fixing the problem is that i am giving up my apartment. i will be moving without him to a place he isnt welcome at. hopefully within a few months i will have my life back. we wont even get into the financial hardship of being forced to support him and his stupidity. the emotional drain of the headgames that he plays and the outright mental abuse he subjects me to. or the in general defeated way he makes me feel.
so thats the basics of what has been going on in my life. none too exciting huh?