Title: Twenty-one Kilometres Under the Earth
Pairing: Eleven/Rory
Summary: AU version of 05x09. This is why the Doctor should never tamper with time.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content.
blacktofadeWords: 10,319
Rating: NC-17
A/N: Dedicated to my darling
fallsaddles for being amazing. Borrowed a bit of Prufrock from T.S. Eliot because I could. This has not been
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Comments 37
The Doctor smiled. “Nothing has to have a reason to be. Some things just are. They’re what make life much, much better.”
For one confusing moment, Rory almost believed the Doctor was talking about far more than one tiny little button.
That line, just. Amazing, very Eleven, I'd say?
Oh God, the really awkward hug in the TARDIS! I--- it's very them, and this sounds corny, but it is very them. And I'm not sure what you were complaining about, because so far I cannot see any shit writing to speak of. The Doctor's complete disregard of personal space and timing, I enjoy it.
Rory swallowed nervously at the sight before him. Pale skin against burgundy elastic and brown tweet sounded like something he’d see in a geriatric ward of Royal Leadworth Hospital, but in front of him, upon ( ... )
Also, thank you for pointing out the mistake it has been fixed now :D
Man, you leave the sweetest comments and you're an absolute doll. Ta for holding my hand through this and helping with ideas. I really appreciate it! *tacklehugs*
Great stuff, hope to read more from you! x
Cheers for stopping by!
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Oh, and also? GUH. \o/
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