Jun 25, 2007 17:06
Well it's been a few days since I first put my "To Do" list up so Let's see how I've done so far:
#1 At least drive by a beach let alone go to the beach
#2 Wear my shorts outside on a sunny day
#3 Get a strangers phone number/email address on a night out
#4 Dance on an empty dancefloor and not give a toss who's watching
#5 Listen to a new band I listened to "The Violets" all this weekend they're pretty rocking
#6 Read the complete HP series in sequence
#7 Read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in at least 2 days
#8 Read the COMPLETE HP series including DH in sequence
#9 Get a hug from a random stranger
#10 Go to the zoo
#11 Have girly picnic in the park (even if I have to have it by myself hehe)
#12 Actually do 4 full lengths of the pool without looking for sharks or stopping
#13 Learn how to sew properly
#14 Make a doll for someone
#15 Do a painting or take a photograph in an artistic way and attempt to sell it on ebay
#16 Attempt to learn a new song that involves the chords I can't play xD
#17 Have a big BBQ at the end of the summer for everyone
#18 Randomly write a fan letter to a baseball player (NOT allowed to be a Red Sox (aka top of the eastern league yeooooooooooo!!!*cough*) player)
#19 Write a bad fan fiction and post it on a fan site
#20 Forget how I'll be single forever and not worry bout boys Sod boys they smell
#21 Clean under my bed properly
#22 Actually go out looking "nice" i.e looking semi-attractive i.e not looking like a walrus
#23 Go on a train/road trip to a random place
#24 Spend a day talking in STAR WARS quotes
#25 Request an Avril Lavigne song on the radio and dedicate it to my bestest friends
#26 Request "I wanna have your babies" and dedicate it to a random boy
#27 Go to Karaoke and sing "Like a virgin"
#28 Learn all oh Juliets lines from "Romeo and Juliet" and random spout them at people
#29 Randomly send inspiring quotes to people in their email
#30 Learn all the songs from the musical "Wicked" and randomly sing them at people
#31 Get drunk a few times
#32 Dress up and go to the midnight launch of Deathly Hallows
#33 Eat as much ice cream as I possibly can
#34 Call at least one person in my mobile and have a chat with them
#35 Watch every epsiode of C.S.I season 1 in a single sitting
#36 Randomly re-inact a scene from a movie in the street on a night out
#37 Refer to myself as "the destroyer of nations" and have everyone call me "Sir"
#38 Randomly do the Xena warcry and see if anyone knows what it is
#39 Keep quoting "Mean Girls" love ya biatch!
#40 Do my Amy Winehouse impression at a random stranger
#41 Pimp my friends out in a bar to random people
#42 Bake a cake and eat it myself
#43 Watch every Tim Burton DVD I have in one day
#44 Write letters to people and actually send them
#45 Write a postcard and address to MR H Potter in Surrey and see if someone gets it.
#46 Take lots of photos when I'm out
#47 Bebo everyone on my friends list with the message "You're not that hot but I'm so very single and can't be picky how bout it?"
#48 Attempt to learn how to juggle
#49 Try to send Barry Scout aka cillet bang man a fan letter
#50 At least attept to do this list and have a good time
So oh well I got 2 done that's not too bad considering I haven't left the house :D