On Hero and Books: Being Cute and Also Freakishly Clever

May 18, 2010 23:22

Tonight Hero was looking though my library books, one of which has a picture of Obama and Hu Jintao shaking hands on the cover. When Hero saw this book he said "Ogama! Jinjin Tao!" How does he know??

He is currently piling a whole bunch of books on my desk and saying "More books, Mum. More books." Whenever he enters the room with a new book he sort of jumps in, and then he falls down laughing because he thinks he's startled me.

-and just then he squealed with happiness because he found my Chinese textbook. He said "Happy yangyang* book!" and took it out of the room. I hope I can find it later.

*'Yangyang' is Hero's name for Chinese characters (and increasingly, all things Chinese. Sometimes he specifies that he wants to listen to 'Yangyang music'- ie Chinese pop).
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