Age: 21
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Thin.
Medical Info: Healthy, presumably, except the whole l'Cie business.
Eyes: Greenish-blue
Hair: Strawberry-blonde.
Physical traits: Kind of stiff in her mannerisms, very closed-off.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Everything, but if you say the wrong thing, it may earn violence. Though she is from the end of canon and the end of the novels.
Abilities: Technically, she should only be good with the blazefire saber and pretty kickass, but we are kicking reason to the curb and saying that camp is giving her her abilities, along with the other former l'Cie. (It makes it more fun that way.) Lightning will not be okay with this, though, and will be pretty certain they messed up something along the way.
That all said, she has magical abilities as a result of this, making her MORE badass and an Eidolon. Which is really just a summon but specific to the characters themselves. Her Eidolon is
Odin, and Odin can become a horse. A badass horse.
Her abilities are centered around three roles:
Ravager, and
Medic. However, due to being the protagonist, I will also occasionally use stuff from the Sentinel, Saboteur, and Synergist paradigms. But far, far less frequently as they don't fit Lightning's style of fighting.
What is important is that Lightning herself is fairly badass. She has both military training (which apparently injects people in Cocoon with extreme badassery, who knew) and the l'Cie stuff working for her, which makes her ... well, sometimes achieve the impossible. In battles, she does backflips when she dodges or is backing away. Just because she can.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Lightning is INCREDIBLY INSECURE and feels a ton of guilt for what she did to Serah. Thus, she feels responsible at the end of it all. But she's also a lot more at peace, but since she's from right near the end of the endgame novel, she'll be pretty pissy she's in camp ... then again, Vanille is here, so she'll be conflicted.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Permission for the first two, but the latter ones ... well, Light is Light.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Light isn't much of a hugger or kisser, which means feel free but don't expect it to go well.
Maim/Murder/Death: People can try! She isn't super insanely powerful or anything. Just ... quite strong? IDK. I'm cool with people losing battles, but I'm not sure she'll deal with dying particularly well.