[ Voice; Japanese ] [ illusion ]

Mar 01, 2009 13:53

By the way, Kamui, I kinda forgot to ask what room you were staying in... I'm already at Horton, and I guess I could just knock on doors, but-- [Cuts off, and then there's a pause.] Huh...

[There is a clatter as he drops his communicator. You can hear something that sounds almost like a curse as he drops it - wasn't his intention - but he doesn't pick it back up. It records silence for a few minutes, then times out.]

[The area around the entrance has, for a moment, changed into a park in ruins. Greenery uprooted, a river spilled off its banks. Pathways have been torn, cement cracked, rubble strewn about. The air and sky are a faint, artificial green.

There is a bridge suspended in the air - a footbridge, lifted by wires and cables. There is a girl standing under it, frozen in place. There is another girl calling out to her. Then the bridge drops. The second girl screams in fear-- but when the dust clears, the first girl isn't dead at all. A strange, monstrous figure has appeared, clawed and scaled and holding the bridge in the air. The girl escapes. The creature seems to watch her go, then lets the bridge drop on top of it.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" the younger girl asks.

The older is shaken, uncertain. "I'm fine. But... what was that?"

"It protected Arashi-san."

"It was... a gohoudouji?"

Something slowly dawns on them both, but before they can voice their conclusions, a boy's voice calls out to them by name, frantic. They turn to see two people approaching - a boy in a school uniform, supporting another covered in blood and barely conscious. He collapses the moment they stop moving, and the first boy tries to support him and cover the worst of his wounds. The first girl calls out to the injured boy by name, but he doesn't respond.

"Was it an attack...?" the second girl asks, also trying to bandage him with scraps of her outfit.

"No! We were heading over here... he just suddenly collapsed and started to bleed..."

Watching this scene is Sorata, for of course the near-dead boy in the illusion is him. His expression is blank. The only real emotion he displays is mild curiosity; how strange, to be seeing such a thing. Absolutely weird. No big deal, though. Really.

The dream-Sorata reaches up and touches the face of the first girl. "I just had to make sure you were okay..." he tells her weakly, before coughing up blood and losing consciousness entirely. The vision ends abruptly, the park vanishing, leaving the real Sorata standing still in front of Horton, expression carefully casual, not paying any attention to his surroundings. The only real sign of discomfort he shows is a detail - the bag of food he had been carrying has been dropped, spilling food onto the pavement.

Finally, he picks up his communicator again.] Huh.

[[ooc: Sorata is hanging out outside of Horton. Commentlog punching?]]

the end of days, arashi, commentlog, wolfwood, event, shirou kamui, aragaki shinjiro

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