Jan 15, 2009 15:58



People are exhausted. I'm exhausted and I haven't--

Sitting around feeling guilty doesn't do anything. It doesn't help anyone.

[...] "If I'd done this, it would have been different." "If I hadn't done that, this might have changed." Maybe, maybe not. But it's useless to think about. Focus on now. Focus on doing what you can do now. Focus on what you have done already. Find something you can do. But don't push yourself. If you've been working all this time, take a break. Eat something. Sit down. Even if you haven't been working the whole time. You guys are still people. "People are injured, we can't take a break," that's fine and all, except if you don't, you'll be unable to help anyone. Guilt, and beating yourself up, that won't help anything. It won't even help you.

...I know this is one of those times where everyone's probably - "who cares, shut up, there's work still to be done." But there's always work to be done. Don't get trapped in it. In guilt. Because once you are, it's hard to get out, and it's harder to help anyone.

...Is there any kinda organized - food, drinks, that kinda thing? In the high school, or the bar? I don't think people are gonna sit down and cook for themselves right now. And I can't... do it for them alone.

[EDIT:] Kotori-chan. If you don't want to sit at home alone, come to the high school, okay?

raphael, sorata is everyone's mom, houzuki suigetsu, ..., monou kotori, manaka tomoo, shirou kamui, this is a distraction, kamui, nani pelekai, shimbo hiromu, event, have you been eating right?, aragaki shinjiro

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