C&C 2020

Oct 27, 2009 11:30

Sleeping Beauty runs like a dream. Even in the height of summer, with every air conditioner in the city running full blast, it never goes out. Rolling brown and black-outs are a thing of the past. The mayor receives praise for solving the city's energy crisis. In tumultuous times such as these, it's the little things the public really appreciates. Like being able to blow dry your hair with the lights on.

Other cities have taken notice. Other countries are showing interest.

Sleeping Beauty is experimental, everyone understands. Not patented, "but we're working on it".

These things take time. Something like this doesn't just fall into your lap twice.

And even the system itself is...imperfect. There are definitely unnecessary parts that should be eliminated in the future. The casing, for example: highly superfluous. Unattractive. There may, some day, be a way to remove it without jeopardizing the system's integrity, but at the moment they are still working on that as well.

So far, attempts to replicate Sleeping Beauty have been failures. The consciousness seems to matter. The emotions. Matter in a glass jar cannot be said to be 'happy'. These systems sputter and short out. They're much too unreliable.

Sleeping Beauty has no back-up.

What happens someone asks, when he wakes up?

Someone else laughs.

He doesn't wake up.
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