[oo5] entry

Apr 06, 2008 19:45

Would the competent staff here be kind enough as to make up their damn minds as to who I'm supposed to be assigned to? Because I really can't be bothered to meet more people and chum them all up because you can't keep an employee ( Read more... )

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theycallhimboss April 8 2008, 15:15:42 UTC
So, you like one of your new staff? I'll go out on a limb and assume that'd be me.


I think we're going to have to postpone our "session." Don't think tonight'll work very well.


shockabitch April 8 2008, 18:29:36 UTC
Well aren't you astute?

Oh, pity. You better not be going out to see some other girl, I might be jealous.


theycallhimboss April 8 2008, 19:10:32 UTC
I'd say "amazing" more, but that's just me.


Heh, not today. In the infirmary right now, got the shit knocked out of me by a patient. Guy was all strung out on amphetamines - don't think they've found the specifics yet.


shockabitch April 8 2008, 20:02:24 UTC
Well I can agree with that, but perhaps modest is a word we can take off the list of descriptors.

Someone has an upperhand with you? That doesn't seem right. Well in any case, here's to a speedy recovery, have one of those nice nurse girls patch you up right. But don't be too friendly, jealously tends to get the better of me.


theycallhimboss April 8 2008, 20:53:12 UTC
Sounds about right.


I'd hardly call it the upper hand. Patient with enough problems as it was was on a high from adrenaline and amphetamine. Ended up having to do some serious damage to take him down. Broken bones, deep lacerations in key spots, and about eight tranquilizer darts.

He's worse off than I am. No major injuries on my part. And no promises - what if I find someone cuter than you?


shockabitch April 8 2008, 21:00:55 UTC
Well at least you're honest. It's more than I could say for a lot of people.

Oh so he cheated? In all seriousness, how could someone get into something like that? Lax security on behalf of the staff, was it?

Well that's good to hear. Silly, you won't find someone like that, they don't exist.


theycallhimboss April 8 2008, 21:05:03 UTC
So, I'm "candid" and "unique?" Really, you're flattering me.


No idea. The patient's a vegetable normally - chances are someone slipped it to him. Enough's screwed up with this staff as is - it's entirely possible.

Oh, of course. How could I forget?


shockabitch April 8 2008, 21:07:43 UTC
Well I don't say things that aren't true.

Hm. How sad that there are very few capable souls to take care of all the sick people here.

I'll forgive you this time, but don't make a habit of it.


theycallhimboss April 8 2008, 21:10:47 UTC
That's good to hear.


There aren't enough capable souls to take care of the staff in this place.

I'll try not to. Maybe at the same time tomorrow?


[private] shockabitch April 8 2008, 21:18:28 UTC
I might have known. They don't seem to know their asses from a hole in the ground. Especially now when the vegetables are going on a rampage, I put five dollars on 'someone screwed up'.

If you're feeling up to it, I'd be delighted.


[Private] theycallhimboss April 8 2008, 21:27:11 UTC
Give me a night of sleep and I'll be better than ever. Went through worse back in the unit.

Ten sound good? I'll get clearance for you being up after your bedtime.


[Private] shockabitch April 8 2008, 21:29:26 UTC
The unit? Oh you'll have to tell me all about it.

You're so thoughtful, it's a date then.


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