I know i made a mistake! Isnt tht obvious enough! ilost 2 of my best friends in one fowl swoop and now im sitting here crying over it like i have a right to be upset. I dont know what to do and all every one keeps talking about is how much I fucked up. Im a fucking nymphomaniac and i cant help it! Every thing ive ever done with that kid ive
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And of course my story and will's story are going to make you look bad because what you did looks bad! Seriously it makes you look like a fucking slut! but its cool cuz you're a nymho. oh and hun, when i tell my stories I am not making anything up, trust me you sour ass bitch everything i told people i could probably tell them the time and everything. mostly i remember because i went through stages of being angered, more angered, enraged and finally furious.
of course it took 2 people to do what you did excpt, HI!, i happen to be the third person who told you two to not do what you did an hour before you did it! I am more mad at you than will because you know me, you know my feelings towards will, i covered you for having sex with earl that night, i asked you to sleep over night sleep with will, and basically i ve been your friend for several years. and also will has already apologized several times and regrets doing what he did. we've already talked about it. However you haven't exactly made the same effort, well why would you, giving effort isn't exactly your top skill.
I'll be able to get over this eventually but you have a lot of make up work to do before then.
amber your post makes you look like a baby...you're a mess. and thank god.
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