Title: The Top-Secret Livejournal of Sherlock Holmes: Top-Secret Sequel, 2/?
Fandom/Pairing: BBC Sherlock, Sherlock/John/Lestrade, Molly/OFC
Rating: R
Word count: 2,749
Summary: Sherlock continues to log his cracky adventures on his (now locked) LJ. Slash, madness and mysteries abound!
THIS CHAPTER: Donovan is Bitchy McBitchface, Sherlock is scatter-brained, actual case content, an OC shows up, Sherlock's range of well-practised facial expressions, John has plans, a peek into the Sherlock/Lestrade backstory (ooer, scandalous!), Sherlock has emotions (shocking!), and Mycroft is a meddling old berk (in a good way).
Warnings: Cursing, talk of sex, nicotine use, mentions of illegal drug use (past-tense), Lestrade is still in a cast.
Teaser: ‘Well, you’ll just have to make the best of it because I’m helping move her in tonight, and...’ There was a rattling of metal against metal, then a crash on her end of the line. ‘Oh, damn.’
‘Am I on speaker?’ I asked.
‘Yes,’ said Molly, from what sounded like a long way off.
I frowned, though naturally she couldn’t see it, of course. It was for my own benefit. ‘Are you performing an autopsy while talking to me?’
Read it over at my journal!