Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Game (chapter 3)

Apr 29, 2011 21:36

Fandom: Sherlock (BBC); Harry Potter
Character/s: Sherlock, John, Mycroft
Word Count: 1600
Rating: G
Summary: Sherlock realises something he missed about Moriarty, just in time for round two of the game.
Notes/Warnings: The usual amount of explosions and murders. More of a fusion than a crossover, although a Weasley or two will be showing up in the future.

Post Battle of Hogwarts, and all that implies. Spoilers for Deathly Hallows are sure to be popping up somewhere. The Holmes brothers may be a few years older than fandom likes to put them, just to avoid complications with the Boy who Lived.

( Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Game )

Previous chapters

main: john, genre: crossover, main: sherlock, length: multi-chapter, category: fanfic, pairing: none, genre: gen

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