Title: Conductive Path
Series: Positive and Negative Ions
madameseabush and
skeletree Chapter: 1. The Russian Embassy Will Have to Wait (Part A)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1700 (approx)
POV: Third
Characters/Pairings: Mycroft Holmes, Eve Kealy (not!Anthea), Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, two OCs. Established Sherlock/John.
Spoilers/Warnings: Slash.
Summary: A strange electrical storm strikes London, bringing with it a torrent of hysteria and impossible things. (Idea shamelessly stolen from Misfits.)
Disclaimer: We don’t own any of the characters from Sherlock or plot devices from Misfits. Written for fun, not profit!
A/N: There will be three parts for Chapter One (A, B, and C). Broken up because it seemed a bit long in Word and we were getting eager to post! (Well, skeletree was, anyway. Madameseabush may or may not be hiding from LJ now.) Enjoy!