The Dhampir Cycle (WIP)

May 21, 2011 21:23

Title: The Sensible, Normal Thing
Fandom/Pairing: BBC Sherlock, Sherlock/John
Rating: R
Word count: 2,373
Summary: John's not human. All he can do is try his best.
Warnings: Cursing, vampirism, a war scene in which a nameless character dies, inner strife about one's sexual orientation.

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Title: A Disturbing Comfort
Fandom/Pairing: BBC Sherlock, Sherlock/Dhampir!John unrequited, Dhampir!John/Stamford
Rating: R
Word count: 3,661
Summary: With John, being normal is a constant struggle. Sometimes he gives in. Sometimes he caves. Sometimes.
Warnings: Off-screen character death, non-violent murder/vampirism, cursing, kinky sex.
Notes: Sequel to The Sensible, Normal Thing.

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Title: Far Too Full of the Devil
Fandom/Pairing: BBC Sherlock, Sherlock/Dhampir!John unrequited (mostly), Dhampir!John/Stamford
Rating: R
Word count: 2,975
Summary: Sherlock wants what John won't let him have. (John wants that, too.)
Warnings: Talk of non-violent murder/vampirism, self-harm, someone getting stitches, a non-violent scuffle sort of fight, cursing.
Notes: Sequel to The Sensible, Normal Thing and A Disturbing Comfort.

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Title: What Might Happen Tomorrow
Fandom/Pairing: BBC Sherlock, Sherlock/Dhampir!John, Dhampir!John/Stamford
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 3,763
Summary: John finally comes to terms with himself, his family, and his relationships. (He may not have come to terms with Sherlock yet.)
Warnings: Non-violent murder/vampirism, kinky explicit sex, cursing.
Notes: Sequel to The Sensible, Normal Thing, A Disturbing Comfort and Far Too Full of the Devil.

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Note: This series is still in progress; there may be as many as three or more fics on the way. :D

genre: angst, category: fanfic, pairing: poly, genre: ust, genre: smut/pwp, !warning: violence/gore, length: one-shot/short story, pairing: slash, genre: au, genre: drama, rating: r18, ship: john/mike, !warning: kink, length: multi-chapter, rating: 18, genre: hurt/comfort, ship: john/sherlock

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