Title: Believe that Magic Works (10/10)
shocolatePairing: Ron/Hermione
Words: 3500
Rating: R
Written for
sugarandginger’s Definitive Ron/Hermione Year Seven Novella Challenge
As the Trio set off on their search for the Horcruxes, Ron finally accepts that he wants to look after his two best friends in completely different ways
Chapter 10 : One First Golden Day of Peace )
Comments 33
Your Ron and Hermione are perfect. Spot on. The plot is intriguing and well thought out.
Thank you. Thank you for writing and sharing such a wonderful story with us.
I confuse myself with having a fic journal.
You are so squishy - you enjoyed everything that I hoped you would!
You mentioned in a previous comment that the Horcrux thing drove you insane. From my stand point, your "insanity" was worth it. The whole concept worked brilliantly. I love your inclusion of the "Harry is a Horcrux" theory that's been bouncing around the fandom. You masterfully referred back to elements in Books 5 and 6.
The short section on Harry's return from visiting Azkaban is heartbreaking.
You paint for us a beautiful picture of maturing!Ron. Ron as protector of both Harry is Hermoine is so perfect. Ron's hesitation to move his relationship with Hermoine forward too quickly is noble. Ron's love for Harry as his best mate makes me gush. I love reading things from Ron's POV. When he is written as Ron, a fully three-dimensional brilliant young man.
And what’s-his-name with the scar.And you even used JKs supposed last word.I think JKR should consult ( ... )
I must admit I am ever so proud of this story.
I bet absolutely none of it ends up in Book Seven, but I reused everything I could think of, and I am content with that.
Yes, it really IS all about teh Harry/Ron.
I thought ending on scar was a bit too sappy, but sod it!
I just added the story to my Rec List. Its listed under Harry/Ron Friendship.
I'm not sure I can be happy with anything else now . . .
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