Oct 20, 2010 13:45
1. I've been spending most of my time sleeping lately, ugh. Might be the new medication - both cause drowsiness - or might just be another cycle of fatigue. Either way I guess I'll have to wait it out.
2. Speaking of medication! I went to see a new psychiatrist, who added Abilify to my Cymbalta, which hopefully will help with my depression - which apparently has a bit of manic in it. He also informed me that I have OCD, which I kind of knew already, but it's nice for it to be all official like.
3. Also got to see my gastroenterologist yesterday. I am now officially diagnosed with IBS, as well as Barrett's esophagus. I've been using Nexium for the latter, and something to soothe the stomach spasms for the former. He gave me another pill to take when the pain is most severe, and put me on a laxative. So! Hopefully there will be progress.
4. To completely change the subject! My Five muse is waking up. And I really love Eternal Summer. I've had to pause it because I was laughing at him being such a snark. ONE DAY I will make a list of awesome Five quotes. (Is it sad that I know some of them by heart?) Oh, Doctor Who, if I have a One True Fandom you are probably it.
5. I need to finish reading Justice League Elite so I can do a proper Cass spam from it.
6. I also need to catch up on Batgirl so I can read The Road Home. (I have, of course, seen That One Panel. FUCK YEAH STEPH.)
fifth doctor,
doctor who