Donna and Ten are still wonderful together.
Alternate universe was...standard. (So how did Sarah and the kids end up in the hospital anyway? That seemed just a bit gratuitous.) I'd have preferred it if it actually tied into Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane, but okay.
Rusty's various issues are still in full force.
Donna's mother should have been left in London. (Why wasn't she looking for a job instead of making her awesome daughter feel like shit?)
Wilf is still lovely.
Rose...was okay. Reserving judgement.
"It was too fast for him to regenerate"? What?
So no one noticed the advanced alien tech falling off the stretcher?
Donna didn't understand the significance of "labour camps"? Seriously?
And, you know, I'd appreciate it if such things weren't just tacked on to make the AU worse.
Oh, circle of mirrors, you do like to save the day.
So...what happens to Donna's body, then, does it just disappear into the ether?
Does this mean Our Donna isn't really going to die? ...Please?