The Doctor's Daughter

May 11, 2008 01:56

ALIEN WORLD FTW. With humans, but also fish people, who were cool.

I figured they'd do the cloning thing, just...not at the beginning of the episode. It worked, though. (...Sort of.) I liked the Doctor's denial-acceptance-joy evolution, then of course grief. I liked Donna bonding with her. I quite liked Jenny. I'm really, really interested in seeing where they take her. Crossing my fingers, as always, that it isn't horrible.

Jenny calling the Doctor on his bull was even more awesome than Donna snickering over it.

So was I the only one who heard 'Source' and thought of Traken?

His picture next to genocide...eheh. I'd have preferred, maybe, "I've seen it, I've done it, I'm not letting it happen again." THEN "OVER MY DEAD BODY".

"Could you not just stop fighting?" Oh, that's my Doctor.

"I never would." Fuck yes. That is all. ...Well, okay, he has sort of committed mass murder. But, well one man on his knees is a bit more personal. Not that the mass murder is okay, because really, Doctor. Still. Not entirely hypocritical. Entirely.

Martha was brilliant. Efficient, compassionate, bit of a dork, sobbing over a dead friend...

Donna saving the day with her mad number skills! They were also still awesome together. Bonding, and Donna's rage over Martha being called 'collateral damage', and the hug... Just, awww.

The terraforming was just a bit laughable but also pretty. I loved that it was just a week, how it warped into a mystical, bloody history.

On the other hand...

Martha, while awesome, was rather superfluous.

They did yet another close up of The Ring. Instead of having Ten apologise to Martha for making her feel second-best. I suppose there's still time.

There were no mentions of Susan. Well, not specifically.

The Doctor going on about the Time Lords - will we ever get hints that they sort of loathed each other? As in he ran away from his society for a reason? And they made him miserable a lot?

Fuck, 'forever'. At least it's about the adventure and not the Doctor, entirely. Please don't die, Donna.

Tennant had some wonderful moments. Other times...yeah.

On a completely personal note - Jenny's "death"? Made me think of my Gallifrey story and imagine the Doctor flashing back, so that was sort of cool.

I sort of want to write fic where they reunite but I can't write Ten. Maybe I can write her with Five and he forgets.

doctor who, episode reactions

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