Welcome Everyone who comes into my journal by chance ^0^
- I'm Chou(^v^)/
I knew Arashi when I was thirteen years old>w< thereafter, they've become a part of my life.
- Arashi Boy whom I had a crush on and a first immediate impression is "Aiba Masaki."
Today ( Ten Years Wowww ), it's still him that I <333
- I just feel that my boy, Aiba-chan, is so happy and relaxed when he's with his Sho-chan.
I know Sho-chan feel the same.
- Sakuraiba is pure love.
I want them to be a real couple and have a baby(dog or adopted child) together.
I always believe that Sho&Aiba are more than a friend.
They are soul mates.
They are a married couple!!!!
(I don't know why I love them so much >.<)
- I also like Ohmiya couple because their lovey-dovey times are so adorable which I want my Sakuraiba often shows their love for each other in public too>< However, I just love the way Sho-Aiba Couple is.
- I totally support Jun-pon & Mao-chan too. They are the cutest and best on and off-screen couple.
I believe our Domyoji&Makino are dating now ^0^
Thus this journal is filled with my love for Sakuraiba couple
and I will be blogging about my RL sometimes ;)
*****Some Entries will be Public and the Rest is my Semi-Friends Only!
Because my extremely perverted mind and strongly biased SA can make you scream blue murder!
Yes, I'm a crazy Sakuraiba Fangirl.
I'm mad about them. I do love RedGreen Couple ^3^
Therefore, if you do want to be friends and have the same interest&feeling about Sakuraiba Couple,
you can leave the comment here where I might know you from.
I'll add you and we can be friends & SA fangirls absolutely ^______^ ****