Aug 08, 2008 00:43
This may sound extremely shallow and ridiculous, but I'm getting a little tired of never having any spending money. I can afford rent (barely), and food (enough to prevent starvation), and that's it.
I'm not saying I want to go out and buy massive amounts of extravagant and unnecessary things; that's simply not my style. But I can't even afford to buy new clothes every once in awhile (and my wardrobe is beginning to feel a bit dull), and I've been reduced to getting my books from the library again. Nothing wrong with that, of course. But, aside from reading them, I also like to own books. I guess that's one of the few things I sort of collect. So yeah, it's becoming a bit depressing, in a not-exactly-serious way.
And I can't seem to make any second job stick for more than a few weeks. Scheduling problems, etc. What I really really want is my old barista job back! That was all kinds of perfect. I miss those days.
I've been putting some serious thought into my schooling again recently, beyond the fleeting "Hmm, I should probably go back eventually.." ideas. Along with that, I think I may have decided upon a major to pursue, at least for the time being. When I think about the way I view people, and the way I interact with them, and the things in life that ignite my curiosity, it seems like some sort of degree in psychology would be a great thing for me to look into. That could also lead the way into some study of parapsychology, which has always been something I've wanted to learn more about. No, it's not exactly respected by many people, but there's something compelling about it, or at least there is to me. First, though, I guess I should focus on the more down-to-earth studies.
And...that's about it. There's a lot more going on, relationship-wise...but it's not exactly something I'm ready to put into words yet. It's complicated. v_v