Gackt @ Theaterfabrik München 7/22

Jul 23, 2010 21:05

Sorry if this is kinda confusing but my mind is still a mess and I'Ve edited this entry a 1000 times till now because I still remember random stuff I want to put in.. xD; and I still didn't include all of it because it's just impossible.. there was so much going on, rly.


Holy fucking shit. I never drank and sweat so much on a concertday before xOx; (1l limo + 0,25l water before the show, 2 caprisonne and some water during the show, 2l after the show |D)
It really was damn hot and I was so glad that they blew icecold air into the crowd (but that was only noticeable up front.. 4th row max?) and, of course, they gave lots of cups filled with cold water into the crowd and the band helped a lot with waterbottles '__' Gackt was the only one who caught me not noticing his attack (because of my contacts I dodged the watter attacks mostly) and he totally caught me off guard and hit my face and eyes and I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... but luckyly my lenses didn't get washed out and.. wow it really was refreshing. Never thought getting water sprayed in your eyes could be so refreshing!

But first things first:
I woke up around 9 after at least some hours of sleep and kept me entertained with TV and internet until 11, when I started to dress, putting in contacts and such. I already packed my concert-bag the night before so I was the only 'thing' I had to finish this morning. Yama brought McD breakfast and with a little delay we finally left the house soon after 12. And then the madness began... Nao phoned as just as we reached said exit that it was closed and so we had to drive a detour of around 10 minutes to get to her... and then there was an accident on the slip-road to the A8 and we got stuck for around an hour in total. *sigh* Well, we've been to ~25 concerts by car up till now and there never was any nuisance that big so I guess we've been pretty lucky so far and in the end we were lucky as well because we could've get stuck there and not reaching Munich at all >>; when finally a police officer blocked the road we escaped and found our way to the A8 finally, reaching our parking lot at around 5.30, when they'Ve already started to let people in... oh well.

We bumped into some friends (Mutsumi and Madleine) and then got in pretty quickly, they quickly controlled bags for hard/sharp objects and let us through afterwards. I've seen a box with presents next to the entrance, so it's possible to bring presents ;D
Inside were quite a bunch of people already, but mostly in the direct front of the stage, way in the back on the stairs and of course at the merch stand.. Wanting to be on the right side of the stage (CHACHA ♥ ) we skipped buying merch and aimed for that spot and were lucky again... we found a place right next to the "disabled people plattform" where they had stairs and stuff and sat down there after getting 0,5l Water from the bar. God, it was SO HOT inside the venue already, which most likely was caused by the freaking RED LIGHTS THEY DIRECTED AT THE AUDIENCE. Bastards.
We escaped those lights of death by sitting down in the corner and waited for Gackt's secretary to stand up, while others already started to push 30min before the show, because of staff -__-;; they even started to hand out water to the crowd before the show and I saw one girl getting pulled out 20mins or so before the live even started.. but at least we had space and air and were pretty close to the stage (7-10 row approx.) with a great view. I could see everyone except for You because there was large persons head in the way but ohhh well. I'll try to get a better sight of him tomorrow @Zeche ;D

Right before it started I thought I'd smell Platinum Egoiste and said: I think, Gackt's heading for the stage now... and we started laughing when the lights went out right after that |D
The intro began and Job came on stage: Jun-ji, Chirolyn, You, Chacha and after that Gackt with his Katana, directly entering Zan. Of course people were even more pushing to the front, jumping and screaming and it got pretty HOT. Though I have to say, this was my 49 j-rock concert and I've seen much worser crowds, with more violent pushing... as I said above I was really close to the stage and I never ever had so much space and air around me (except for the encore where we really were a huge packed mess of sweat and flesh |D) I think it's obvious how much space I really had, when I'm telling you that I had, even in 4th row, enough space to join the band in their forward-baning-movement without hurting anyone around me or myself ;D
They pulled out some girls during the show, I've seen around 20 but that's still a small number for a live that big and considering the heat.. although it wasn't that bad up front (at least at the sides.. right in front of Gackt it must've been hell |D) because of the cool air coming from the stage and the security gave out lots of water.

Gackt's voice was amazing, though got a bit shaky when the end draw near.. oh well. At least during Lu:Na he still had enough strength to rip his already more-then-drenched shirt that the buttons flew off. Well, his striptease was kind of sexy, but his moobs ruined it a bit, sorry dear. |D Though his abs are niiiiiiice. And I have to admit his EVER-hip-shaking-dance looked cool. He did a lot of worse dances in the past tbh. He pulled off a great show, and god they all sweated so much.. I think their shirts were already drenched after Zan xOx;; Jun-ji must have been the first naked person on stage :p he was sweating like crazy. Gackt's pants dripped.. or should I say the Niagara-falls are a tiny puddle against all the sweat Job left on stage? No wonder Gackt dehydrated after THAT.

Without any problems or even wanting it I got pushed closer and closer to the stage with every song, getting seperated from my friends and ended up around 3-4th row till Flower. Gackt already had problems up till that point, was kinda instable and breathing hard but tried to hide it behind his glaring stare.. well, I think he enjoyed himself, reconfirming this with what he wrote in the blog but still. They fixed his mic & earpieces, rubbed his back and face with towels and gave him some water I think, it was pretty dark and hard to see. His hand shook so hard when he started the acapella for Flower I really thought they'd stop the show =/ it really hurt to see, but he was cool as always and pulled his thing through till the end, though the shaking and stumbling got much worse. In the end, after the last song, he even needed support from Staff, You and Chacha to stand and even fell from the stage once during the encore *sigh* I guess he slipped and fell, at least he was still conscious in the crowd, though he might not really know what was happening to him. Up again he looked a bit... out of place though he tried to hide it behind his perfect smile. But his eyes were just blank. He really doesn't know where his limits are.
They left the stage and we started shouting YFC and it took a lot of time till they ame back. The whole time I really was waiting for Gackt's secretary to announce the rally is over because it really looked like he couldn't do the encore anymore. But he did, of course, because Gackt doesn't care much about his health. It left me with a kind of mixed feeling. On the hand one it was a great show and it was pretty amazing to see him so close and all, but the bitter aftertaste to see him suffer and stumbling and all that.. After 10 years of being a Gackt fan it really hurt to see him live like that, giving his all and even more, which took away some of his magic and my own fun at the live. Though I have to admit it's kinda impressive as well, it brought tears to my eyes to see him like that so I decided to watch Genki-chacha instead most of the time.
Whatever. The live ended and they threw lots of stuff into the audience: towels (the YFC ones and Chacha threw 2, a pink-leoprint-with-golden-bordure |D), pics, sticks, watter+bottles and they didn't want to go but had to as they started playing the remix. But the four of them had lots of fun, touching lots of hands, interacting with the crowd, giving out stuff and Chacha even shared his energy drink with a fan xD; he tried to drop some into her mouth but I'm not sure he succeeded |D
Gackt at least gathered himself enough to promise to come back, told how FANTASTISCH (fantastic) we all were and that we were the most awesome crowd so far, that we are his family and that he loves us all (Ich liebe euchhhhhhhhhhhhhalle.), so most likely the same he said at every gig. Still, it was heartmoving and when Chacha motivated us to start the YFC-cheer again we gave the last piece of energy and shouted our lungs out, till he went off stage and the lights went out..

The worst thing though were the fangirls. The sound was quite ok, a bit low maybe and the more I got shoved to the middle, the worser it got, of course, but I at least could hear everything, especially his voice, quite clear till the end. But I still have a bad tinnitus because they were screaming much louder than I expected and I once had to put my towel into my ears because I'm sure I would've lost hearing overall if I hadn't. It was crazy.. xOx;; Even 24hrs after the show I still have a headache and tinnitus. That's insane >>;

And when we finally got out of this mess when everything was over (Chacha was the one wo left last this time, not You ♥ he was smiling all over, interacting with the fans SO MUCH, he was so kind and cute and.. he almost started crying during kagero, when I couldn't put my eyes off him. He definitely was moved and smiled bravely though you get see his eyes getting wet ♥ and, he had the most awesome hairstyle kekeke. ...I still can't believe this guy could be my daddy with his 50 years of age!! Muri da! His skin and body, at least on stage.. you'd never expect him to be so old! I'm so sad I almost caught 3 of his plecs but the people around me always snatched them away *drop*)
ehh.. well, when we wanted to leave the hall there was a goddamn thonderstorm going on. But since we were wet all over already we thought... okaaaay better leave now before we dry up and get wet AGAIN.. god it was so COLD T^T I was so glad I brought a fresh pair of clothes or else I would've caught a bad cold I guess. >>; Really, the whole of July we had 30°C+ and then this weather for his show.. and I think Bochum won't be much better. At least our way to the car won't be that long, I hope.

It was a great experience nonetheless and I'm an even bigger Chacha fangirl right now. And I think Nao made him happy with the FUCK-towel |D he at least pointed at it and grinned and started laughing so he def. saw it. On our side of the stage he was really close to the fans and interacted at lot, it was so lovely. I want to adopt him now T^T
Best songs were Dybukk (I jumped and sang along and had so much fun!) Speed Master (♥) Jesus (though the crowd majorfailed ....) and kagero. Never ever thought I'd see this live one day!

Now my neck and throat hurt and I'll take a nice warm bubblebath.. still don't know how I will survive tomorrow or if I just don't get into the pulk up front.. guess it depends on the situation inside the Zeche. The sound sucks anyway and.. the aircondition isn't that great, too. I'm really afraid, especially now that I know how bad Gackt's contidion really is =/ I hope he doesn't fall off again or even worse things happening to him with the livestream going on.. Though I know for sure it will be THE MADNESS, crowdwise. That's for sure. Hope we all get out alive . . . and not deaf. *caugh*
At least it wil be an experience you'll never forget.. that's for sure.

And now I'll go and take my well-deserved bath ò___ó

01. Zan
02. Dybukk ♥
03. Nine spiral ♥
04. Speedmaster ♥
05. Lu:Na ♥
06. Kimi ga matteiru kara
07. mind forest (english version)
08. EVER
10. JESUS ♥
12. kagero ♥

EN01. UNCONTROL (remix)

livereport: english, artist: gackt, *english, *konzerterei, kontaktlinsen

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