Nov 10, 2006 22:06
Sitting in my cousin’s living room at Dartmouth. I had the most amazing day. The New England countryside is so beautiful, even though all the leaves have fallen and there’s a certain…decadence to the countryside. But the whole area is so rich in character, old money, old houses, old…just an antiquity that’s impossible to describe. The bus ride was so good, so much better than the flight. Leg room, nobody sitting next to me, great music (Haley, you should listen to Joni Mitchell while taking a bus ride, it’s the most perfect music. Also kind of ironic(maybe) that I was listening to that California song while riding through New England. Anyway). I got to Dartmouth and just sat on the Green, watching people. That’s really not as creepy as it sounds, I swear. I met my cousin after she got out of her class, and we had lunch with her friends.
I honestly have never in my entire life been more impressed with the intelligence of all of the people surrounding me. We had an incredibly interesting conversation about the merits of single-sex schooling, and how that sometimes it’s necessary because guys and girls develop very differently than guys both mentally and physically. Apparently, girls are generally worse than guys at multiple choice tests because they’re inherently indecisive. (:-))
Then after lunch, we took a drive out to this spot that Kate found that was really, really pretty. The Vermont/New Hampshire countryside is unbeatable, as I’ve already mentioned. I wish I had had my camera on that trip. Farms, pushed up against old growth forests, old barns next to modern houses. I can’t do it justice.
I love New England.