The time has come, yet again. I hate having so many people on my friends' list that I don't talk to/don't update/never, ever comment. I'd rather have a small group of friends that comment and update, you know? So, here's the list.
If your username appears on this list, please remove me from your list. Thank you.
40feet I think this journal is strictly for graphics. Even so, you never update. I'm sorry. :[
___h0tpiink New journal.
cheapenthetaste New journal.
darkdancer_ New journal.
jynxd_forever New journal.
praokasb I don't know what happened to you. You disappeared. :[
rde_livi4d New journal. (You're not using this anymore, right Liv?)
toxickiss33 New journal and we stopped talking because I couldn't keep up with your changing usernames constantly. Sorry. :[
xlipgloss69 New journal and same as above.
xxxlullaby New journal & same as above.
xokelso I think you transferred entirely to GreatestJournal?
If, for any reason you would like me to keep you on my list, give me a reason and I'll most likely keep you. If not, please remove me from your list.