Jun 28, 2004 01:32
Its now 1:30 am, and I told a certain someone I was going to bed about 2 hrs ago.... but you know how the Internet can suck you in like that i.e the wondrous and dangerous IMDB. Ok, so I am UNHEALTHILY excited for three movies coming out:
1. Vanity Fair ~ September 2004
2. The Phantom of the Opera ~ December 2004
3. The Merchant of Venice ~ December 2005
I was impatiently waiting for their release, until I saw their trailers. That's when it became a problem. The trailers for all three of them are AMAZING; I don't usually, or ever describe a trailer as being "amazing," but I practically salivate everytime I watch them. (Salivate not the prettiest of descriptions...) Seriously folks, I live a pathetically normally life and movies/books are my only escape so I apologize for my overzealousness, but I'm sure some of you can relate ;) So to cut off my rambling, I highly suggest you go see these movies and view their trailers at IMDB.com, if you need something to do or are as excited as I am :)