My goodness! I certainly didn't expect to be gone from here for so long. I think it has been 6 weeks or so. I guess I am as good at keeping an online journal as I always was at keeping a diary as a girl, lol haha.
But I do have a good excuse because my life has been very chaotic lately. Some good things and some bad things, which I suppose is what life brings us. Helena is doing fine, and she and Bella are in love full time now. Bella never even sleeps with me anymore, she is always with Helena. But that is okay because I really have been gone so much and I know that dogs like stability.
My sister has moved in with me, because she and her husband are getting a divorce. I couldn't believe it when she told me, and I'm sure our parents are asking themselves where they went wrong with their daughters now that both of our marriages have failed but it's not their fault of course. My sister and her husband have not been getting on very well for about a year and things just finally came to a head and she decided to leave. I didn't think it would last and expected her to go back to him once she cooled off but she is sticking to her guns. I went from living alone to having a full house in a matter of months, and while the circumstances that led to this have all been unfortunate I have to say that it is so nice being together, the three of us, when we can just lay around in pajamas and watch a chick flick or cook together.
My other big news is that Philip and Julie broke up, and we;ve been seeing eachother for the last 5 weeks. Needless to say my family is not happy about it but I want to give us a chance to see if maybe we can get past what happened. It's so easy to slip back into the familiar and push back the memories of what broke us up to begin with but the thoughts still get through often enough and I get mad at him all over again. There is a lot of trust that has to be earned back and he says he is willing to do what ever it takes so we shall see. I know that
commissionerx will be mad when he reads that because I have been keeping really quiet about this at work haha lol. I promise to be smart about this, I really am not letting my heart make all the decisions for me. Only some of them. A woman has needs too lol!
Anyway so that is the short story of what has been happening lately - oh wait there is one more thing. I am not doing sales anymore. All that traveling was not for me and I just didn't enjoy anything about the whole process so when there was another opening in customer service I took it. Back to a pay cut but thats okay because now I have roommates to help me share the mortgage.
I will be taking some vacation time starting tomorrow all the way through next week and I'm so excited about having a big chunk of time to just chill. I hope to get back into the habit of updating here and might even try to contact some old friends through That is such a great web site and its fun to see how much people have changed over the years.
I hope everyone is well, and oh
debris4spike I almost forgot to tell you that one of the guys I work with went to a convention in Georgia called Dragoncon and he said that the person who had the longest lines by far was a guy named James Marsters and I said Hey i know who that is! lolhaha He asked me where James is from and I told him Buffy the Vampire Slayer and said my friend Deb would be so proud of me for remembering that! =) Also we watched a movie with him in it not too long ago that was ccalled PS I Love You, and I wanted to tell you so you can rent it. The movie is really sad but it's good. I give it 4 out of 5 Kleenexes lol.