Aug 09, 2006 11:45
I could get used to all this lazing around. I nice, but it is going very quickly. Though I've read 2 books this summer and am beginning "The Time Traveller's Wife", which Claire knows is an achievement for me because I am a very slow reader.
Is Laura back yet? I want to give you the books and stuff for your sister, and may I borrow your latest National Geographics, please? left? lol...good times eh?
This morning I have prepared all the things I may need if I don't get the grades for UCL e.g. the faculty office number, UCAS number, UCAS applications number, and other such information about clearing...just in case. Some may see this as pessimistic, I see it as realistic. I'm probably gonna be all over the place if I don't get the grades, so its best to get it all to hand now so that all I have to do is get on the phone. Do people want to meet for a coffee beforehand like last year? 9am Starbucks? I want to do something after so we can all celebrate, I'm thinking seaside? We shall see because if I don't get the grades I don't think I'll want to be driving for ages, and I'll need to be phoning places up. But I definitely want to do something. We deserve it!
This afternoon I am seeing Mr dr Man at the hospital. Hopefully he will sort my arm out once and for all...stoopid arm!