Deathly Hallows pt. 1

Nov 18, 2010 03:48

It's 3:30am and I very nearly literally just got back from the midnight release of Deathly Hallows pt. 1. I'mwriting  this now because I don't want to go to sleep while I could be thinking about it. :DDD

I can barely even express how much better this one is than all the others. The extra time that the two-movie format allows makes such a big difference. The acting of the trio is unbelieveably improved by the fact that they can pause between lines, give each other looks, etc. etc. Fred and George are funny! Like they've always been in the books. Ron's jealousy and interactions between the trio are pulled off so well, I think mainly because of the 'small' acting that goes on. I don't know how else to describe it, haha. The things they do when one of them is turned away from the other two, the looks they give each other, the pauses. It's like they're real now!

Of course, some things were left out, like the introduction to Ted and Andromeda, but it was easy to see why it was done. It was similar with the things they put in. I really liked the scene with Harry and Hermione dancing after Ron left. It showed how close they are, and just what Hermione needed, and it was so cute. Really lovely. And the locket scene with Harry and Hermione taunting Ron and then making out was done excellently, I thought. Heart-breaking to watch.

Grah! Everything was just so good! It's definitely my favourite HP movie. Without a doubt. I can't think of anything more to write at the moment, and I should really get some sleep. I may see it again tomorrow (it's good to work in a cinema and get cheap tickets. ^^), so I'll probably come back with more things to add.

movie: deathly hallows pt. 1

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