Sep 22, 2005 12:52
hello to all of you who are far away near by and in my heart. things are swell on this side of town. lifes busy God is amazingAMAZING! im being tested and stretched and molded and shaped all those cliche words are completely real to me right now. im not missin home so bad which kind of scares me i wonder to myself shall i return? i beleieve its all the prayers for anti homesickness. its working well. if i have one thing to say though. it would be live life without inhibitions. just do it. run after God with alll that you are. you wont be dissapointed.
to a lil japanese man by the name of pope. prayers for you every morning form 830 to 930. see if u can feel it. change nations friend.
to a lil shmeglahaun. dont feel forgotten you are not. when time comes its all yours havent found any yet but when i do i know ur number.
hey kids gimme addresses and ill send you sweet postage : )
much love homework time i have class in an hour
college is silly