My official Xmen 3 (the last stand) rant.
Okay bear with me, this is a really badly written post that'll most likely give anyone a headache.
I spent like the first half of the movie going YOU CAN'T KILL THE PROFESSOR, HE'S THE PROFESSOR! HE IS THE PROFESSOR! HE'S LIKE, ...THE PROFESSOR! But then after the credits where they showed that whole "charles?" thing, I was like BOOYAH I TOLD YOU SO.
And so far into it, Charles and Scott had already died, and I was freaking out that anybody could be next. In other words, I was terrified that they were going to kill Magneto. I was just sitting there thinking Please, anyone but Magneto, you can't kill Magneto. He's just way too cool. Sure he tried to destroy humanity and everything but come on. Overall I really liked it, but I feel like the story wasn't resolved. I feel like watching the first two again.
I'm gonna list a bunch of stuff that pissed me off now (to get it out of the way):
-As if Rogue got rid of her powers. I was so hoping that when she held his hand all his energy would get sucked out, but it didn't. Shame on you, Rogue. You should've at least broken up with him before you got rid of your powers. Bad girl.
-What happened to Pyro and Juggernaut in the end?
-Where did Storm's accent go? Stupid Halle Berry.
-Storm's hair was crap. I also thought it was really annoying how the writers had to make her character have a bigger role in this movie just because Halle Berry threatened to quit.
-What happened to Nightcrawler? Did he just leave the school or something?
-The number of students in the school seems to have drastically fallen. In the end there was what, six people who could fight? As opposed to the roughly two hundred people who were there in the first movie?
-Rogue wasn't in the movie nearly enough. That was probably the thing that pissed me off the most.
Okay that's that done. Now for the good stuff.
-Jean Grey was SO AWESOME as the Phoenix. She was actually really freaky.
-Jean Grey's hair was awesome. So very awesome.
-I love the whole thing that happened with Mystique. She has got to be the coolest female character out of everyone in the Xmen universe. I felt so bad for her when they just left her lying there. I was like NOO, MYSTIQUE IS AWESOME. TAKE HER WITH YOU AND GIVE HER SOME CLOTHES. I also loved how Mystique betrayed them later on, even if it was brief.
-They had the danger room in the movie! And the sentinels! Eee! <3
-I loved the whole Wolverine vs the Sentinel thing.
-Jean's last scene was also really well done. Go you, Wolverine.
-I just love Magneto. He's one of my all time favourite villains.
-I really loved the thing at the beginning with Jean as a kid. She was freaky.
-I loved the thing of Angel as a kid. It was so sad seeing him stand there crying with the bleeding stubs on his back.
-"Oh, Mr President. SHUT UP."
-"Oh my stars and garters."
-That random guy who could multiply himself. He was cool. ^_^
-Pyro. Just because.
-"Let's see you grow THOSE back."
-"My family tried to kill me, you pathetic meat sack."
-Mystique. Again, she is the coolest female character in this movie. I loved her killing that guy and going "See, told you so."
-The bit where they were chucking explosive cars at people, heee.
-That chick who was really fast and the chick who could make sonic waves.
-THE SPIKEY GUY. HE FREAKED ME OUT MAN. I jumped like a metre into the air when he hugged that lady. I knew he'd do it, but I jumped all the same.
-The poor kid who healed people. I wanted to give him a hug.
-Juggernaut. He was cool. I was so hoping he'd be on there.