Good Times.

Jun 11, 2005 05:29

A hugeTHANK YOU!!!
to my favorite SuperJewBoy, Alex. He just rocks. Best dependable guy I know. Less on that now. Also a super Thank You to Jess and Kat for just sticking it out with us too and being cool. And to Alex's cousin Jesse who was just a quiet, adorable virgin.

Now that you have no idea why I'm thanking these people, I present you with pictures post-adventure. Of all of my options for a Friday night, I like how this one turned out. And Geo was right, I took my top far too late.

Words will not fill an entry about how awful Friday was, or as Jess said, "This is all just karma." So I am not going to attempt it. At least, hopefully, today I'll get out to the beach or something with Nat, in the daylight but not sunrise. *glares at people* I am just going to end with another big Thank you to those who got soaked and waited, and to Matt for his drive by huggle and to Lauren for her *hugs*.
Morning all.

Mood icon note: Exanimate. The picture is of Teal'c and Bra'tec when they were stranded on a planet after a battle and only had one symbiot inbetween the two of them to sustain their lives for many hours. That's about how I feel like I've been running, only without that person to be at my side to switch in and out that which sustains life. Hmm. Interesting parallel, eh?
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