In the end, I gave in. Tomorrow morning I return home for Easter break, and my copy of YFC's ONE has yet to reach me. That means I'll probably have to wait another three weeks before I can pick it up from the post office here. So with great thanks to
mrsmisser I decided to give it a listen in anticipation. I was really hoping not to bother downloading it at all but... alas. Look what you have driven me to, postal service. Here's a couple first impressions.
The album has a bouncy, energetic feel overall and this is reflected in the opening tracks. CIRCLE is awesome, and 恋愛DRIVER, which I had already heard via the radio, is pretty catchy and upbeat. LAST KISS was all I hoped for in a recorded version, and the .eu version of UNTIL THE LAST DAY makes me glad I ordered the regular edition. 妄想GIRL is a definite highlight, insanely catchy and the way it crossfaded into THE END OF THE DAY was immense the first time I heard it. The album version of ALL MY LOVE is absolutely beautiful, suitably epic in length, and genuinely touching. NOT ALONE was a slightly disappointing end for me as I feel the autotune really spoils it, but the song itself is not bad and I'm sure it will grow on me.
Overall a really uplifting listen, an essential purchase, and a great album. My only gripe is the aforementioned autotune on NOT ALONE, and in fact I think the guys could have switched those last two tracks around. I'm desperate for my copy now!!