Amy Siegel's: A series of un(fortunate) events.

Dec 20, 2004 01:37

Tonight was nuts.

Mason Jennings was playing at the 400 Bar tonight in Minneapolis. Naturally I had to go considering he is in my top 3 musicians of all time. The plan was to go with my buddies Nilan and Erickson as well as Erickson's friend from school.

Erickson was smart and ordered his tickets online. Nilan and I were dumb and just assumed that we would be able to get in without the show being sold out considering this was to be Mason's 3rd performance there this weekend.

The 4 of us arrive at the venue and erickson gets his reserved tickets and the man informs us the show is sold out, and that we would have to leave.
Nilan and I go sulk outside in his jeep parked directly across from the venue as Erickson and Natalia make their way to the front of the stage.

"now what the fuck do we do?"nilan
"i have a weird ass feeling that we are gonna get in there man, i don't know how or why this feeling is so overwhelming, but let's just stick around for awhile" me
"ok" nilan

we watch people come out for periodic smoke breaks and decide we need to beg people to sell us their tickets. Like the crazy fucks we are we decide to go out into the freezing cold, make some small talk with the smokers/beg for their tickets, no one bites, but all wish us luck.

Then a woman comes up to us and asks if we had tickets, and we're like no, we're just trying to find a way in. She informs us that she is on 'the list' and that she is allowed to bring one other person in with her but not the both of us, so we decline being that we are a package deal. damn.

Next thing we know the guy working the door comes out and asks us for a light, and we're like 'we could have one for some tickets....' he gives us a dick look and goes back inside. Next thing we know he's out standing with us smoking. (last chance to plea) I decided to whip out the big guns and inform him that nilan and i came all the way from Arizona to see this show (big lie) and how that's all we really wanted in life. he laughed, made small talk and said "I tell you what, i'm gonna go talk with (tom) the owner, and see if maybe he can let you guys in"


so we freeze our asses off for a bit longer, then he opens the door and says, 'sorry guys, it's a no go'
heart sinks.
He then proceeds to ask us what we're going to do now and we both say "just sit out here"
he closes the door heartlessly, then 30 seconds later opens it and says "you guys are cool, that'll be 18 dollars a piece"
!!!!!!!!!!!we're in!!!!!!!!! we fucking made it into a concert at a venue that never makes exceptions!!!!!
We then go over to the cocky ass owner and thank him for the exception as he shoo's us away, oh well, he let us in.

Then Mason did his usual amazingness. life is good. we got in. so cool. i would say of the 3 mason concerts I have seen this was probably his best I was standing next to 4 very drunk girls who after learning my name would randomly yell out 'go amy' and 'do me like you would your music mason' and other ridiculous phrases.

concerts are so great. minneapolis is great. it's great to be home.
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