Apr 13, 2005 22:17
so me and my mami were talking about that Louis Skinnard kid...and it's really sad...his brother goes to the school my mami works at, and his teachers went to his house early in the morning to be with him.
it's scary how in a matter of time, your life can be taken away from you. just like that. you can't say goodbye, you can't forgive people, you can't apologize to people, because it all just happens so fast.
i didn't really tell many people this, because it kind of hurt. but last year, i knew this boy. he didn't live here, but he was my cousins ex boyfriend. he was pretty cool, and when she came to visit, i would talk to him on the phone, and online and stuff.
they broke up.
a couple of monthes later he killed himself. i can't even begin to describe how i felt about it. i mean, i didn't really know him, but it was just...crazy...
-sigh- well i want you guys all to know how much i love you. and if you read this, then you are one cool kid, for listening to what i have to say.