May 28, 2005 18:03
good job andrew for bein a loser by the way. This week has been pretty fun, first week out of school and I am so relaxed! I love it. Sometimes i even forget what day it is. Last night me and Lisa went to steak and shake and guess who walked in!? CREEPY GERMAN KID, and he had 2 creepy german girls with him. Creepy tall german and's physic's class-creepy german girl. He came up to me and said (with a creepy german accent) "hey, look at the people they are letting in this place"'s fuckin steak and shake u fascist, racist, nazi son of a bitch!. Of course my answer was "yeah, well ur here aren't u?" or something like that.
Then after that we went to jade's house and thanks for ruining my favorite jeans james cullen...
Lisa wa gone, but funny. she wouldn't stop talking tho. I thought i would make a profit out of people touching her boobs but she gave the money back to kieran what's up with that!?...