Mar 14, 2005 08:13
I am building up a collection. 2 jeans, 4 shirts, 4 boxers, and very many socks, but i threw them out. sorry.
Nick left today and it sucks. suckssuckssucks. it sucks even more because we missed his flight last night (we have a thing for this apparently) so the next one was at 6:50 this morning. we had teh alarm all set and everything was planned, and then i slept late and woke up at 5:50 so we jumped out of bed and i swear i some how sped like a motherfucker to the airport in my sleep. anyway he was way late so he jumped out of the car to go check in and when i parked and came back he was gone. i went into the airport after i realized this and kept searching for him. i even went all the way through the little tunnel where u go to get on the flight and i pushed through everyone but when i got to the front he was already gone. and then i asked the front desk if he left and they said yes and i said 'r u sure'. haha im retarded.
anyway today is pretty gloomy for me. im tired and sad, and everyone else is sad because one of my best friend's dad died. so its monday, and this is the beginning of my week and i hope it gets better.
i talked to my mom this morning. she really pisses me off with her "well what if u break up before then." were not gonna break up. and she says "rebecca how do u know that, ur only 18 blahblahblha" i know, were not gonna break up OK? ok.
anyway my whole body is really sore and i have to get ready for math, so i should go. have a good day kids. call me plz, i'd like someone to talk to.