Hoaxes are Cruel

Jan 30, 2007 15:47

I despise cruel and malicious money grabs. The woman on the corner begging for money to feed her baby - then you find out the baby is actually a bundle of towels - makes you feel like a jack-ass. I Hate doubting people who might be need. I dislike that I have gotten good at spotting a scheme. These people are surely some of the reasons why so many people are tight fisted. Instead of thinking how you can be of assistance that nagging thought of "is this for real" rides around in your head.

The internet has made it so easy for assholes to bug and potentially rob a lot of people. I got this email today supposedly from a girl in the Ivory Coast. It claims that her mother died years ago and that her father, a rich cocoa plantation owner was poisonned and that she is all alone in the world. It is written in English that is good enough to be from a first year University student who is learning English as a second language (as 'she' claims to be) but it also has some of the grammer errors that are common from that area of Africa. She claims to have been fervently praying for wisdom and guidance before contacting me (story is she got my name from a friend of a friend who belongs to an organization that she does). She claims to need help, wants to come to Canada, me to be her guardian until she is done University (like her dad wanted) and to get help staying here because she would be safe. The catch - I get 10% of her 9.5 million USD for helping.

I'm so angry. There are real people who need to escape from bad places/situatons all over the world. I would gladly help this person if they were real. Sure I'll be your guardian. But there is no 'she.' Man, why do I feel shitty?
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