Dec 09, 2005 13:30
"Talking" to the brother.......
shmandrea02: you're riding your bike, aren't you?
Auto response from icefusion22: proving my insanity
once again...
shmandrea02: weirdo
shmandrea02: as for me, i'm sitting here in my warm cozy house, flossing my teeth
shmandrea02: you wanna talk about a good time, ha well, this is it!
shmandrea02: can i help it if i have excellent dental hygiene??
shmandrea02: :-D
shmandrea02: you're prolly freezing your little tush off out there in that blizzard
shmandrea02: weirdo
shmandrea02: it better not snow a week from today
shmandrea02: i have to drive home in a week
shmandrea02: and bring grandma with me --- and we both know she'll freak out if it snows during or right before our trip
shmandrea02: silly grandma
shmandrea02: crap i'm gonna have to clean off my car
shmandrea02: it's all snowed into my parking space
shmandrea02: and my snow scraper thingy is at home, for some stupid reason
shmandrea02: when amy & i had to drive her car after the last snow, we used kitchen utensils to get the snow off :-D
shmandrea02: aren't we resourceful?
shmandrea02: i need to do my laundry
shmandrea02: really badly
shmandrea02: but there's a foot of snow outside
shmandrea02: it would prolly suck to haul all of it over to the washer, huh?
shmandrea02: yeah i prollly won't do it today
shmandrea02: i'm hungry
shmandrea02: and i already made scrambled eggs & toast
shmandrea02: prolly shouldn't eat, huh? don't wanna be a fatty
shmandrea02: i should prolly take a shower at some point too......don't wanna be stinky
shmandrea02: i need to shave
shmandrea02: do you shave yet??? you should - it's fun
shmandrea02: no it's really not - i lied
shmandrea02: it's a pain in the ass
shmandrea02: and it is FREEZING in this room
shmandrea02: jeez
shmandrea02: no good we don't like being cold, but our room is always so so cold
shmandrea02: no good
shmandrea02: i need to actually be productive & do stuff today
shmandrea02: okbye