Dec 18, 2004 12:44
This past week has basically sucked, there has been too much unneeded drama. And I doubt that I am so intimidating that I made someone stay home from school because they were afraid I'd yell at them. What a bunch of bullshit. Get over it and come talk to me if you have a problem about me. *Orrr you can go and talk to everyone but me about it and spread rumors so everyone starts to look at me strange, because that's real fuckin mature.* But muchos gracias to Nivin for believin me and stickin by me the whole time. Yesterday was spectacular. It brought the week up, and I'm super glad I went. I don't think I've ever laughed so much, including the times I hung out with Danielle, Matt and that group. We played ping pong, hung out, played video games and basically just had fun. I forgot how much I loved hanging out with Diana, Brad, and Meagen.
I realized that trying to continue to be friends with everyone that I used to hang out with is just stressing me out and bringing my mood and self-esteem down. So I'll get over it, I'll apologize if I hurt you, and I'll be civil, but it's never going back to the way it was, and I accept that. I'm trying to act like an adult in this situation, but it's hard when you resort to pettiness, and I can't understand what you're saying.
Hopefully, today me and Nivin will make some bellybuttons, cause I'm in the biggest baking mood ever. I kinda want to bake brownies and cookies too.
PS: If I'm wrong and I really am that intimidating, please, feel free to leave me a note so I know for future reference.