May 02, 2015 20:46
Seriously? How is it May.
Claire's birthday party was today- I thought I'd cop out and just pay for a party; we went bowling. IT WAS SO EASY. I made some party bags and bought a cake and everything else was just done for me. The bowling people did everything and they even cut the cake and put it in the bags. I know this is not unusual but frugal me who just wants to do everything herself doesn't understand it. But holy crap, I loved it. And I can't believe that kid is nearly 9.
Still not smoking. I've tried the e-cig and I pretty much hate it but it's there in times of panic. I've gained so much weight though, and it's depressing. Every day I think of what I need to do and then I end up eating burgers and pizza and other comfort food because hey, i'm not wasting money on cigarettes. I'm stupid. I'll get back on track though. I tried tracking calories and it wasn't the mental health struggle it was last year when I tried, which is really good. I just don't have my phone/computer in front of me like I need to effectively track, I think. And it's so hard to take patients out and NOT eat with them. That's the hardest thing for me- to sit and watch other people eat steak and chips and pudding etc. and still resist. And it's not helping my health at all. Gall bladder pain and related issues are making life a struggle.
It's my turn to do training again this coming week. Excited for it, and feeling refreshed to be excited about work. The material is solid now, I'm confident with the lectures and activities, and I just need some time to practice the physical skills for the third day which I haven't taught yet before. I've been asked to lead this week's course, even while I have co-trainers who are more technically qualified than I am.