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Dec 31, 2007 21:41

I've been in the States for a few weeks, and am leaving tomorrow afternoon. The nervousness is hitting me pretty hard right now so I figured a good LJ entry would help me unwind. ;)

Christmas has been pretty crazy but a lot of fun this year. Olly and I actually had our Christmas the Tuesday before we left, which would have been about the 18th or so? Claire got one of her "main" gifts then- a bean-bag chair which is shaped like an armchair rather than a lump, she loved that. We also did our stocking stuffers but we really didn't have much for each other within the family this year. We did Christmas with Olly's family the Sunday before (the 16th) and Claire was spoiled rotten. We got cab money from Olly's parents and a gift card from his brother which is always good when you're trying to cut down on junk. Although, the gift card will eventually turn into junk. ;)

Claire went into my mom's school Friday afternoon and was a hit. She loved the library and computer lab. My mom even let her run (*GASP!*) down the halls. On the Sunday before Christmas we went to the church program and she ran around and was a social butterfly, playing with some boys her age. We don't get her to places where she can be sortof free like that with children her age very much, and it was really good for her, and good to see she's not mean with kids. ;P

On Christmas Day my mom, dad, and Claire had Christmas while Olly and I sat and watched. We'd taken Claire to Build-a-Bear at the mall in Davenport a couple days before, where she was completely overwhelmed by the masses of people. She loved the stuffing machine and I picked out the softest bunny they had and later, when she was more aware of what was going on, she approved of my choice. My mom got a second outfit for the bunny and Claire loves to change the clothes.

Wednesday my brother, his wife, and my sister came. Olly and I got to finally have Christmas morning the next day with my siblings and got gifts from my parents as well, and Claire got even MORE presents from both my parents and my siblings. Right when wrapping was finished, Jenn ran to the bedroom and brought out small gift bags and handed them to all of us. Inside were tickets to see the Wicked matinee on the 29th! So, Saturday morning we got up and left the house around 8am, got to my aunts in enough time to get Claire accustomed to the house and people (though our friend Carey came with us and her 15-month-old daughter stayed as well, and they were the best of friends) and then made our way into the city. The show was great, our Glinda was the understudy but still had an amazing voice, and Mr Trick (from Buffy) was the token celebrity. Was a really awesome show, though I kindof wish I hadn't read the script as I think it would have made more of an impact on me as a "first viewing"- I knew too much about the show before I saw it, I think. Afterwards we went to Field's and looked at the windows and the tree (w/ an obligatory stop at Lush) before going back to my aunt's, picking up the babies, and going out to dinner. We came back yesterday morning... so today was recoup and pack day- we get to drive back up yet again tomorrow! I am kindof glad to get back, but I know I'll be really homesick when we do. It's been so nice being here, and Claire has had so much fun. Mostly I'm just anxious to get back so I can get some school stuff done. Wish I could have done more here, anyway.

I know I've been really bad about posting this year. I'm not going to go into resolutions right now, even though they should "technically" start for me in a few hours. I'm going to think about them hard tomorrow while traveling and aim to have them written and put into practice well before school starts in 2 weeks. The middle of vacation and traveling isn't exactly the best time for me to get motivated. Maybe by this Saturday I can have them sorted, but the start of Uni is my real goal. Anyway, I hope to at least get my posting back on track for 2008- it's the only way I really keep in touch with a lot of people and I've been slacking off far too much.

olly, family, lush, holidays, christmas, shopping, claire, vacation, travel, shows

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