Entry 1 of 3

Jun 03, 2007 02:18

Yes, I need to make 3 entries. Tonight I'm just making one, and then tomorrow I'll do the others.

It's been a heck of a long time since I last posted, and on reflection, a lot has happened. Claire's turned 1, I had a moment of insanity which I won't discuss here, I had two weeks of exams, and now it's just lots of packing and planning until we leave for the states in less than two weeks! It's hard to believe that my little brother will be married in two weeks. Slightly scary and a little bit gross, even.

Personally, I haven't been too much better mentally- though I had a week or so just before my exams where things seemed really clear, if not very bright. Since then I've fallen back to mediocrity and haven't physically or mentally been at my best. I've been feeling strange pains and such the past couple days and I really don't know what it could be. I just hope it's nothing too serious, and that it all boils down to stress, flu, or something else easy to handle. Mentally, I think the vacation away from home will really help. We also bought zoo passes which last for a year, so I have another place to hide if things get too much for me. I just need to work on my mental blockage.

I'll be posting a full Claire update tomorrow, but wow, has she changed in the past month and a half. She's almost 13 months old, she's practically walking, and she even has an ACTUAL VOCABULARY. Her most commonly used word is "book" and her first word was "water" except she says "woot" when she means water. So yes, her first word (with an intended meaning) was "Woot!" She's loving Skype (she got a webcam for her birthday from my mom) and I'm saying too much that I'll just be repeating tomorrow so I'll calm down. ;)

Anyway just wanted to tell you that I'm still alive, and I'll be posting in full about Claire's progress tomorrow. Also, I have facebook, so look me up. :)

woot, life, catch-up, olly, claire, vacation

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